3 Practices to (Re)Create Space for Shifts to Happen in Your Life
We all know that life as a rhythm. We see it all around us – in nature, in birth and death, in the world. We know that things die so that others can be born. [...]
Are You Ready to Stop Working on Healing Yourself?
In “spiritual healing,” the word “spiritual” is the most important one Many of the individuals who come to see me report having worked their whole lives on “healing themselves” – being it physically, emotionally, or [...]
You Are Here to Experience What It Means to Be Human
This being human is a guest house ~ Rumi We spend a good deal of our lives forgetting that we are spiritual beings having a human experience… and not the other way around. You may [...]
You Already Have All The Resources That You Need Within You
I recently facilitated a workshop with peacebuilders and activists, as part of the project Rewiring the Brain for Peace that I co-founded and lead in parallel to my healing practice. We were exploring ritualistic experiences that [...]
Keeping Loving And Practicing When It Gets Harder
“When it gets harder to love, let’s love harder.” ~ Van Jones I am sure that, by now, you have heard about this powerful invitation by Van Jones at the March in Washington DC, last Saturday. With three (new) [...]
There Are No Limits To How Much You Can Expand Your Heart
Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces. ~ Rumi It has been (and continues to be) and extremely intense period for so many, here in the US, and even more in other parts of [...]
How to Keep Your Inner Peace and Hope in Today’s World
I once asked a bird, “How is it that you fly in this gravity of darkness?” She responded: “Love lifts Me." ~ Sufi saying How can one feel peaceful and hopeful in today’s world? This is a question [...]
What Are You Willing To Risk To Live Your Life Fully?
Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I'll be mad. ~ Rumi Have you ever felt [...]
The Art of Undoing In 7 Lessons
We live in a culture where everyone is supposed to be going somewhere, doing something (usually meaning “having a job”), aiming at something and… getting results. And if we don’t reach what we think we [...]
The Energy That Comes From Saying YES To The Universe
Every New Year is rife with resolutions, goal setting, and at times long list of things we would like to “fix” or even just twist a little in our lives. Personally, I have long let [...]
Rising To A Higher Consciousness By Making The Darkness Conscious
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but [...]
When There Is No Word: Letting Mystery Have Its Place In You
I recently came back from a Vision Quest and I have not necessarily found the words to express what has happened yet. Something in me doesn’t even want to. It just wants to stay, just [...]