“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.”
― Martha Graham
I have been receiving messages from clients worried about getting their resolutions “right” for this new year . Others have been wondering if it was too late to set theirs. Are you also filling the pressure? Or are you feeling the grind of daily life already taking the best of you? Wherever you are now, I am inviting you to try something radically different. Reclaim your soulful creative self and partner with the Universe to co-create NOW the life that your heart fully desires.
Too big of a program? Here is the thing: Whether we are aware of it or not, we play a role in how our life enfolds. But we are not alone in doing this. Leaning into the mystery of this co-creation is a fundamental part of this human experience that we all share.
Reclaim your soulful creative self as your birth right
That’s right: creativity IS our birth right – to all of us, not only artists. Because creating is a way of being alive, and not an action or even less a production.*** And that’s why I personally choose to replace goals or outcomes with intentions.
Setting goals can at times hinder your creativity as well as the flow of energy working for you, around you. A goal could be a limitation, as if you already knew what the best outcome for you would be. And maybe you do. But what if there were even more possibilities and surprises along the way, and – why not – even miracles!
Be what is uniquely you
Reminding yourself that you are co-creating your life and fully reclaiming that energy is also letting the world experience what no one else will ever bring to this life. This is also what creative self-expression is about. It calls upon your heart and intuition as much as it involves your mind. Tapping into your creative self is about showing your uniqueness.
Martha Graham’s words are not only for self-declared artists but for all of us:
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.
Personally, I don’t want to miss any of what each person can uniquely bring to this life. And that’s one of the things that I love the most in the support that I bring through my mentoring and life coaching program.
Witnessing and nurturing the diversity of our contributions to the world is among the things that bring me the most joy.
Harness the creative energies surrounding you
Now, you are not alone in doing this. I cannot prove it to you. And I can’t say that I know for sure how the Universe works. However science tells us that there is some creative energy behind it. We’re not working alone. We have help. Trusting that this energy, that life itself is going to flow for you, with you, and not against you, is an act of faith. There is no denying it. This is a shift that needs to happen, in particular if you have limiting beliefs around the fact that things are against you.
That act of faith is what allows us to be fully alive. I am not saying that it is always easy to make that choice, but I am strongly encouraging you to say that YES to life with me, one day at a time, in simple and concrete ways.
Be more intentional about your daily life
Being more intentional about how you want to live your life on a daily basis, in very simple ways, is what is going to help you harness your creative self. It will do two things:
- Let’s say that you barely have time to get through your to-do-list, let alone focus on your big life goals and decisions. Trust me, as a full-time single working mom, I have learnt to let go of even the to-do-list. If you consistently get back to your intention of how you want to live your life, or simply of how you want to show up that day, you will continue to feel the flow of creation happening. You will reach the end of each day feeling that you have fully lived that day, as imperfect and seemingly unproductive as it might feel at times.
- Your intentional living will also allow you to become more aware of everything around you, and harness not only those little flashes of inspiration and energy within you, but also everything that the Universe is sending your way.
To reclaim your soulful creative self is a way of living life that embraces originality and makes unique connections between seemingly disparate ideas and phenomena. Creativity is about living life as a journey into fully experiencing what is extra-ordinary and magic in the simplest, most everyday acts.
Are you ready?
Béatrice Pouligny | Shamanic Healer and Spiritual Mentor
*** I highly recommend Rick Rubin’s book on that topic, The Creative Act: A Way of Being
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