What is a Shamanic Healer?
Shamanic healers have been found in virtually all cultures and throughout the ages. Two recent discoveries have pushed the origins of shamanism to before the Upper Palaeolithic. A 35,000 years bp image of what appears to be a person in the antlered headgear of a shaman was recently uncovered in the Fumane cave of northern Italy. A 70,000-year-old snake rock, in Tsodilo Hills (a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Botswana) may also indicate the presence of shamanistic rituals involving altered states of consciousness. The site gained its world recognition because of its unique religious and spiritual significance, as well as its unique record of human settlement over many millennia.
Shamanism is not a religion, nor does it interfere with any religion. Individuals’ beliefs are always fully respected. In South America, shamans are sometimes called “spiritual lawyers”, a perfect way to define their role as facilitators. Though the attire and customs vary from culture to culture, community to community, the basic work shamans do has always been remarkably similar. Shamans “journey” to other worlds to gain insight and healing abilities in order to support change in this world. They are known to “see in the dark” —or “see with their eyes closed”— and learn things there is no rational way to know.
Shamanic Journeys
The shaman journeys to other worlds to support a holistic form of healing and allow for a shift to happen in this reality. To do so, the shamans must learn to navigate these worlds, protect themselves and those they are attempting to help, and walk a very narrow path of integrity. They must submit their own life to the death and rebirth process again and again. Also essential, they must stay in close contact with their guides — in my case The Love Light and the people who both serve and constitute it, at the highest vibration of all: pure unconditional Love. One does not become a shaman. One is born a shaman and learn (through training and initiations) to remember.
Working At The Soul Level
Shamanism is a very powerful spiritual form of healing and empowerment, and self (re)discovery, working at the level of the soul (or symbolic or energetic level), which bypasses a lot of our usual psychic resistance and allows for a real shift many individuals had stopped believing in.
One of the reasons shamanism is currently surging in popularity is because it is very practical and experiential. Instead of just holy words or inspiring insights, it provides you with actual tools for accessing higher wisdom, healing in all aspects of your being, and concrete ways to return to wholeness.
Though shamanic healing works at the level of the soul, no belief is required on your part; no need to understand all of it. The only thing required is an open and willing attitude.
A shamanic session works both for:
- Deep insightful understanding of the different dimensions of the situation, including physical but also emotional and symbolic dimensions that might not have been immediately clear or had remained unconscious and would have taken much more time to get unraveled through more traditional approaches.
- Profound healing and transformation as the shaman facilitates a transformation which can be physical, emotional and symbolic at the same time and will have an impact on the person’s current situation; the shaman also helps the clients identify new directions that they may have not thought of, and even more important help them feel re-empowered, more hopeful, in charge of their life again.
An Integrative Healing Process Towards Wholeness
In shamanic practices, illness is understood not only in medical terms but also as a way the patient’s spirit is trying to communicate. Therefore, in treating illness, the shaman works to understand what the spirit of the patient is calling for. Where modern medicine focuses mostly on treating the body, shamanism take into consideration the whole person — the body, heart and mind — in her environment (including all her relationships and ancestors). Most traditions also recognize that the disease itself has a spirit as well (in modern terms, one might say: a meaning); therefore they would ask: What does the disease need? Why did it come? What is it teaching the person? Science and its expertise may cure, but often it is meaning that heals us. Such healing is highly individual. The same disease means something different to every person touched by it. As such, shamanism is a great complement to conventional / modern medical approaches.
Also, the goal of healing for a shaman is to support the patient’s return to wholeness by restoring or enhancing harmony and well-being. As shamans, we do not serve the weak or the broken. What we serve is the wholeness in each other and the wholeness in life. This explains that empowering patients in their healing process is at the heart of a shamanic practice. The healing process allows the patients to renew their connection to themselves, to nature, to others, and to energies and powers greater than themselves. That reconnection also entails a greater awareness and presence to each moment. Beyond better health, patients actually gain wisdom from the process. There is also an understanding that a patient’s healing also brings well-being to the whole family and community and, indeed, individuals report transformation affecting also people around them.
Because the healing process is approached in a very integrated manner, each case is absolutely unique. Two persons with similar situations or stories might be treated very differently as the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ is happening to them might actually be very different, and their spirit is different. Therefore, each time, the healer is called to ‘forget’ everything she may think that she already knows and listen deeply to what is needed by each person in the moment.
Important disclaimer:
It is important to understand that shamanic healing is an adjunct to, not a substitute for, conventional medical or psychological services. As a client, you must understand that shamanic healing can sometimes bring up issues of a highly personal nature that may cause you to experience emotional or physical responses that may be unexpected and/or unpleasant and cause some distress. You agree to assume this risk. You confirm that you do not suffer from any mental or physical impairment that might make it inadvisable for you to assume such risks. You will not hold the practitioner responsible for any discomfort or reaction you may experience. You understand that you can ask the practitioner to stop the session at any time.
Béatrice helped me regain a part of myself that was always with me, but that I could not find for years after my experience of losing friends in combat and witnessing the torture of others as a prisoner of war.
After the session, I felt so light and open, it was amazing. I felt that I had been washed clean of old karma and crap from past lives, stuff from this life that I needed to let go of….current issues seemed resolved too.
The experience was beyond description. I feel like some weight has been lifted off of my body and mind.
The session gave me the great clarity and a sense of calmness about what I needed to do next.
I came away from the session with a complete sense of calmness and clear direction that I wasn’t able to experience in a long time. I am by far a healthier and happier person because of the gift that she was able to share.
I really feel calmer, like some worry engine got unplugged somehow. It’s mysterious to me but I’m very glad of your help.
I am very grateful for Béatrice’s expertise and compassion. I cannot thank her enough for her part in my journey and speeding up the process so that I could be done with my healing – she is one very powerful woman and I am and will be grateful for the rest of my life.
Find some commonly asked questions and answers about Shamanic Healing and Life Coaching. If you feel a relevant question may have been missed contact me. I will consider a thoughtful answer and add it to the page. Read More
Access the most powerful practices and tools that I have developed and applied over the past 30 years. They draw upon ancient wisdom, combined with the results of the latest research in neuropsychology. So that you know why they work the way they do. My hope is that you will find tools that you can adapt to your own lifestyle and needs. Read More
Transform Your Fear of The Unknown to Fully Transform Your Life Are you looking to deeply transform your life, but feeling afraid of the unknown? If so, this is for you! You can transform your fear of the unknown and live your soul purpose. Big changes and transitions can feel scary. For everyone. This is how the human brain has been wired. The brain vital need for predictability Prediction is an essential feature of the human brain function. The brain likes to be efficient in predicting what is going to happen in, or the implications of, a particular situation. To minimize costs and save energy (i.e., to avoid spending time and energy to encode every instance of a stimulus or experience as new), the healthy brain primarily bases its work on predictability. So, if you present it with a big unknown, it can panic. Knowing this, we want to provide the brain with a few things: First, the brain needs to relax and feel safe in order to reduce the level of stress that it experiences. Then, it needs to be presented with a different perspective on the unknown. We can get the brain excited about the newness that it promises as this can lead to the release of 'happy hormones.' Last but not least, bringing your soul at the center of the process will give it the additional energy fuel that you need to make your transformation sustainable. Cultivating a minimum sense of relaxation and safety The first thing to do, be it for individual and collective transformations alike, is… Read More