Are you looking to deeply heal and support your whole being?
Are you ready to gain clarity on your purpose and live an authentic joyful life?
Embark on a truly transformative journey
Welcome! My name is Dr. Béatrice Pouligny. I am a Shaman, Spiritual Healer and Life Coach with an exceptional multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural background, as well as almost four decades of international experience, supporting individuals and communities deeply heal, transform and move to their full unique potential.
You may feel distressed, stuck or lost, overwhelmed by a whole range of body ailments and emotions, struggling to find hope and build your resilience, or to simply be in your life and in the world right now. You might not know what you exactly need, and that’s okay. As a shaman, spiritual healer and life coach, I will listen intently and tailor the support to your needs, your belief system (or absence of one), as well as your life style.
I have lived and worked through the most challenging world crises of the past three decades. I know what it takes to support healthy minds, bodies and spirits, in the most difficult situations. I have also facilitated thousands of shamanic healings and mentored hundreds of people over the years.
I am known to be a ‘no-nonsense’ healer who takes the spiritual into the grounded daily life and is about achieving measurable results. Which is why I bring into each session both my abilities as a shaman, and the results of cutting edge research in psychology and neuroscience.
Why? Because I take the infinite possibilities of neuroplasticity seriously and I want lasting transformation for you. I use a very wide range of tools and resources and tailor each session (both in-person and at-distance) to each person’s specific needs.
Check my interview with MysticMag to get more insights into how I bring together science and ancient traditions.
Contact me for more information
How I Can Support You:
Because you are not what happened to you but who you choose to become.
My experience with Béatrice has been truly miraculous and I am so grateful. Indeed, as she says, the miracle can be continued every single day of my life!
For me, it is the closest that I have ever been to experiencing a miracle in my life. I don’t know what Béatrice did – or how she did it – but I do know with absolute certainty that she healed me.

Find some commonly asked questions and answers about Shamanic Healing and Life Coaching. If you feel a relevant question may have been missed contact me. I will consider a thoughtful answer and add it to the page. Read More

Access the most powerful practices and tools that I have developed and applied over the past 30 years. They draw upon ancient wisdom, combined with the results of the latest research in neuropsychology. So that you know why they work the way they do. My hope is that you will find tools that you can adapt to your own lifestyle and needs. Read More
Dream Your Life One Year From Now and Then Make It Happen “Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.” – Marsha Norman Today I am inviting you to forget your list of new year resolutions and instead dream your life one year from now, and then make it happen. Here is the process: Take a break from everything you have been doing on your day so far. Go for a walk or run, do some yoga movements or any other type of exercise that you like, listen to an inspiring music, color or draw… Just do whatever it takes you to get out of your usual mindset. Then transition to a place where you feel comfortable and safe. Maybe take your favorite drink with you. Sit and take a few deep breaths. And close your eyes. And imagine your ideal life, a year from now. What do you want to be happening? How do you want to feel? What do you want to have achieved? What do you want to remember as highlights of your year? Don't censor yourself. Allow yourself to dream, and dream big. Following the same process that I recommend to set and activate intentions, take one piece at a time and truly activate it in your body: feel it as if it was already part of your life, visualize it, smell it, hear it, taste it… depending of the senses that are the most important for you (I usually recommend to activate at least two of your senses). And write a sentence in the present… Read More