Shamanic Life Coaching

Shamanic Life Coaching2025-01-13T08:46:54-05:00

Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

Are you looking for extraordinary  transformation and results?

Spiritual Mentor Life Coach leading you to extraordinary results

As a shamanic life coach, I offer a very unique, highly personalized and transformative form of coaching to individuals who are ready to fully embrace their life with purpose and joy – and be the soul-centered leaders that our world needs.

This shamanic life coaching program is a good fit for you if:

  • You find yourself at a significant turning point of your life, and need someone to serve as your personal transformational and growth partner.
  • You may feel isolated or not knowing where to start to shift your life and answer your true soul purpose or even understanding what it is.
  • You are yearning to be and give more to the world.
  • You are a healer yourself, a community or business leader looking for someone to walk with you in a spiritual yet non-religious context; you want to bring your mission and life as a whole to the next level; and you also appreciate someone who has a multicultural experience of mentoring leaders of all walks in life.
  • You are ready for more than incremental changes, and long for deep, life-changing transformation. You want someone to be accountable to so that you make sure that you actually make the changes that you want in your life.
  • You also want a program that is going to help start shifting your life right away. 
  • You want a coach who is not going to impose a set formula but meet you exactly where you are. The whole point of my mentoring other people is not to be trained in exactly what I do. My role is to fully nurture you own dreams, creativity, and gifts, your own unique paths and calling. Each of us is absolutely unique. This is that diversity that our world needs and this is what I cherish the most about our humanity. For the past 35 years, I have worked on supported individuals and communities around the world, to find and develop their own resources and leadership. I know what that looks like.


What will this very unique program bring you?

Spiritual Mentor Life Coach guiding you on your growth path

You will benefit from my exceptional multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural background, as well as more than 35 years of international experience mentoring leaders of all walks of life across cultures and traditions.

I am known to be a ‘non-nonsense’ healer who takes the spiritual into the social realm and back and is about achieving measurable results. Which is why I combine my gifts as a shaman with what I know of the latest research in psychology and neuroscience. Why? Because I take the infinite possibilities of neuroplasticity seriously and I want lasting transformation for you.

As a shamanic life coach, I never work only at one level. And together we will dive very deep:

  • I will guide you through powerful spiritual experiences to help you tap into what we usually don’t perceive and support drastic and truly transformative shifts in a very short period of time.
  • We will consolidate those shifts by giving you tools based on the latest research in psychology and neuroscience, so you can actually rewire your brain for good.
  • You will learn why and how you can lead a life guided by intentionality.
  • You will listen more deeply into your own soul/essence, lifting inner barriers that you might have ignored or been unable to shift before. This will allow you to truly transform your life story, mobilizing inner resources and opening possibilities that you did not know even existed.
  • You will also learn how to perceive, work with, and trust the creative energies at work in the Universe.
  • I will help you design your growth path forward and build your own personalized set of tools, rituals and practices that will continue to support you along the way. They will be specific to your unique gifts and strengths.

From there, you will become unstoppable in “co-creating” with the Universe.

It is time to bring miracles into your life!
Are you ready?

Don’t hesitate to CONTACT ME to discuss if we could be a good fit. I will give you an honest feedback in terms of how I can help you.

Please note that spots are limited as I only take a limited number of coaching clients at a time. 

It is important to note that although my role as a shamanic life coach may entail some counseling, it is not one of a therapist. It can be an adjunct to, not a substitute for, conventional medical or psychological services.


What does working with me as your shamanic life coach look like?

Diving deep with shamanic journeying and soul work

Why hiring a shaman as your life coach?

You will be diving deeper than you have ever done before in order to bring real, lasting, irreversible shifts into your life. From there, I will support you through a radical process of growth so you can be and operate in the world in new ways.

Traditional coaching tends to focus on changing behavior, environment, and developing skills. Yet unless you address the deeper levels of your being, none of this will help you create and embody the lasting transformations that you are looking for.

Robert Dilts, an organizational psychologist who has conducted extensive research into individual change and organizational learning, has created a model called “neurological levels” to explain how change can happen.

The higher level (spirituality) is also spoken of as vision / purpose. Any change at a lower level will be unsustainable unless it is supported by changes on the higher level (which is sometimes represented as a reversed pyramid). Conversely, any change you make on the higher level will flow downstream and result in new ways of being, doing and creating.

Robert Dilts Neurological Levels Model

Robert Dilts Neurological Levels Model

Applying this in the shamanic life coaching program

The comprehensive intake I offer in the form of an initial shamanic session will make sure that we start on solid and deeply transformative grounds. This mind-body-spirit connection will remain at the core of our work together. From there, I will design each coaching session specifically tailored to your personal needs, as they evolve from week to week. Each session will build on the next one, ensuring that you feel and embody both growth and actualization.

Not leading with goals but with intention(s)

There is nothing wrong with you having goals for our work together, but I will make sure that we go much deeper and tap into the essence of your deepest yearnings. This is where the authentic creative energy is.

Leading with intention also means that we acknowledge that you stand as co-creator of your life. This means: 1) That we are going to help you learn how to confidently tap into your own power as partner to the Universe. 2) That we are not going to pretend too early that we know the best outcome for you, but instead progressively gather the seeds of your new story, and the energy that is going to push you forward.

Opening to all possibilities

This is an important aspect of what I bring as a shamanic life coach. I will help you open to possibilities and resources that you did not know even existed. For that reason, we won’t rush into forms. Instead, we will tap into the limitlessness of your soul and make sure that you operate at your highest vibration and with your highest potential.

Experience has shown me over and over that, with soul, the journey is less about where we are heading than how we are continuing to expand and live in the moment. At first, the path itself may keep shifting and dissolving in that expansion so we can be and bring more of our essence into the world. This is a very powerful process but it can feel confusing at times, which is why you need a safe container and gentle but firm guidance along the way.

Identifying and releasing your inner obstacles AND resources

Albert Einstein famously said, “We can’t solve problems at the same level of thinking that we used when we created them.”  What that means for us is twofold: one, that the energy from which you operate probably needs to be shifted, two that whichever hidden barriers are preventing you from accessing your full power need to be released.

I have a wide range of tools to help identify those inner barriers, shift them with compassion and forgiveness, and ultimately rewire the brain so that radical change lasts.

Designing your growth path forward and your own toolbox

This shift must be grounded and actualized through the active, conscious development of new skills, capacities and structures that will bring the new you into every aspect of your life.

This will happen from session 1 of your shamanic life coaching. Yes, you read correctly. We won’t wait for the last leg of our journey together to work on inner capacities and skills that need to evolve. From day 1, you will start putting things into practice, applying, and grounding the shifts in your own everyday life.

By the end of the program, you will have a personalized full toolbox that will be yours only and will work with your life. It will help you keep growing on your path.

What kind of tools or techniques do I use as a shamanic life coach?

As a shaman life coach, I use a vast range of tools that integrate body, mind and spirit. I never work only at one level.

I draw upon ancient wisdom that can be found in all religious and spiritual traditions and teachings, and combine them with modern consciousness, and the results of the latest research in psychology and neuroscience. Why? Because I take the infinite possibilities of neuroplasticity seriously and I want lasting transformation for you.

Meditation, dream work, shamanic journeying, mindfulness practices, breathwork, EFT techniques and concrete exercises/rituals will be designed and used as necessary.

What is my commitment to you as your shamanic life coach?

Spiritual Mentor Life CoachI offer a safe and sacred container for you to deepen your self-exploration and personal transformation.

My commitment to you is to be a loving spiritual companion, a witness and, when needed, facilitator on your journey.

I will always respect and support your independence and, even more important, your own inner power. I also always fully respect the specificity of each person’s path and beliefs. I never mentor two persons the same way.

And I am available to you in between sessions. I have often be told that this is particularly unique, and this is why I can’t take too many mentee at once. But I know that my availability to you is what makes you transform faster from one session to the next, as we continue to work in between.

What is your commitment?

The main thing required on your part is an open and willing attitude. You also need to be ready to let me hold you with love and compassion, while pushing you when needed. I won’t necessarily tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. 

This program will also require commitment on your part to do your homework in between sessions.

In all cases, it will consist of practices and exercises that apply directly to the unfolding of your everyday life, and support the exact type of transformation that you are looking for. I will also make sure that it will fit your life-style. So my mentees generally don’t feel that it is “homework.” However, I ask them as I will ask you to commit to your own growth and report in between sessions.

I will be honored and humbled to serve as your shamanic life coach,

a personal transformation and growth partner.

For more information: Look at the answers to the most frequently asked questions about working with me

Your investment: Two main options

Not finding what you are looking for?


My experience with Beatrice was one of the best therapeutic, spiritually based experiences I have ever had. She is deeply intuitive and always strives to understand the clients’ needs. She is a warm, loving guide who will take you on a deep personal journey.

Mindi B.

I am in the helping professions myself, so I set a high standard for others in the field. I am happy to say that Beatrice works at a level of skill I have very seldom seen. She is masterful.

M. M. K.

I recently completed Beatrice’s Spiritual Mentoring program. I’m still at a loss for putting into words all that I experienced through those five sessions. Beatrice has a way of getting one to honor their core. The process made me honor truths that I’d denied for too long. Thank you Beatrice. Thank you. I will never forget this experience, nor the tools you gave me to move beyond…

Rachel W. (Puerto Rico)

Find some commonly asked questions and answers about Shamanic Healing and Life Coaching. If you feel a relevant question may have been missed contact me. I will consider a thoughtful answer and add it to the page. Read More

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