Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces. ~ Rumi
It has been (and continues to be) and extremely intense period for so many, here in the US, and even more in other parts of the world. Intense in dramatic events, feelings, emotions… You may have felt your limits being stretched and tested over and over again. And you might wonder what 2017 is going to bring.
You are not alone. It has been an extremely intense and packed period for me as well, in the healing room, in my international work, and at home as I welcomed by first Foster Kids. What this whole period, in all its bits and pieces, has been teaching me over and over is this: there are absolutely no limits to how much we can keep expanding our hearts and give and love.
Expanding through radical presence
Being a Foster Mom is a real emotional roller coaster, and an opportunity to practice Unconditional Love over and over, no matter how long the kiddo(s) stay with you… More importantly, this experience has shown me over and over that we all have an infinite reservoir of love, patience, flexibility… and that there is no limit to how much we can stretch our hearts. Have I every felt overwhelmed? Of course I have. But I have also noticed that, each time I remembered to slow down instead of trying to go faster or “control” the chaos, I could feel everything expanding within and around me, including time… Slowing down has been my way to come back to radical presence to what was – including in the simplest acts of daily life – and to ease into it and allow the expansion to happen on its own.
Opening up by taking the risk of giving
I am not saying that it is all easy. As Rumi said, “in order to give light one must burn first.” What this means is that you need to be willing to give of yourselves, to stretch your boundaries, to go beyond the limits of your comfort zone and egoism, to break your shell so you can experience more space. It does not have to be painful but it can feel uncomfortable at times, unfamiliar, even a bit scary but oh the spaciousness that you feel each time you open up to loving more!
At a time when so much around us constantly reminds us that we can love only a precious few, that scarcity is the rule and there will never be enough for everyone, the reality of our hearts – yours and mine – is that it is ever expansive, ever inclusive. It knows no boundaries. It just requires us to be ready to give and keep giving.
Connecting through your highest intentions
How do you reconcile this with the needs to protect yourselves from all the negative energies around? Indeed, in the face of all the negativity and violence that surround us, it might be tempting to either retrieve, or to over-absorb all the low vibrational energies around you.
There are many mindful ways to navigate all of this. You may choose to disconnect from the most toxic people in your life or the most negative media outlets (social media being, for many, the most toxic of all). However, you don’t want to disconnect from Love. “Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces,” said Rumi. Our humanity, life on earth (in all its forms) is also the whole thing; each time a piece of it is denied somewhere, it is our whole humanity that is under attack, hurting, grieving; and there is a lot to learn in feeling these losses with infinite compassion, and fierce love. Each time life wins somewhere, it is a win for all of us, whether we directly, personally, benefit from it or not. You and I may forget it but we can remember, over and over, by focusing on what we feel is our highest intention for ourselves, our dear ones, our community, our country, the world, etc. Each time you remember what really counts for you, you will feel lifted. This is where you want to put your intention. This is where you want to focus your mind and heart.
Staying close to everything that feeds your heart
Stay close to anything (and anyone) that makes you glad you are alive, any form of loving kindness and compassion. Better even: look for those random acts, for those moments of pure grace. Collect them in your heart the same way kids collect little stones. Don’t go right to your phone to take a pic. Just let those moments sink into you. One at a time. And inspire you to love more. Every day more.
Even if you forget to feed yourself, your stomach will remind you at some point. This year, allow your heart to do the same.
Béatrice | Contemporary Shamanic Healer
Béatrice Pouligny
Allowing The Light
December 2016
Beatrice, your email and wonderful message has arrived at such a perfect moment. Thank you. I have missed being with you and will contact you soon to make an appointment. My little grandson is with me for the night and needs all my attention but your posting has added special meaning to my New Year’s Eve. Thank you for being in touch. I can’t wait to learn more of your fostering. Love to you, Sharon
Thank you so much for your message Sharon! I am so grateful to have been part of your New Year’s Eve. Blessings to you and yours, and Much Love Light, I am certainly looking forward to seeing you again. It has been too long indeed! Beatrice
Thank you for this. I read your New Year posts every year and am always grateful for them. Congratulations on taking the step to foster mom!
Thank you Julie. Wishing you a very blessed year, one breathe at a time. I hope that all is well in your world.