Observing The Silence: Awareness As A Healing Path

Observing The Silence: Awareness As A Healing Path

Observing the silence today…
The wholeness and nothingness of things
The flow and stuckness in my live(s)
Pondering the unreality of our virtual realities
My craving for authenticity in our world
Observing the tyranny of the “shoulds” in my mind
And my deeper self just craving for nothing
But this moment

To the pain in my body and yours
Silence as a refuge
As a powerful place of healing
For myself and those who come to me
Allowing that same silence for me
My awareness
To each moment
And just watching…
The sunlight piercing the clouds
Right now
To nothing else but miracles

Béatrice Pouligny | Contemporary Shamanic Healer

Allowing The Light


March 11, 2014

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