The Power of Daily Rituals

The Power of Daily Rituals

I have been traveling a lot over the Summer and one thing that has helped me remain centered (and come back to my center over and over again) is having daily rituals. They are my way of checking in (particularly in the morning), of coming back home inside, pausing and reconnecting when necessary… I must confess that they have been important not only to cope with the challenges of being on the move so much but also to process a lot of the events around me (family stuff, what has been happening in Syria…), more specifically my emotional reactions to them.

I know that this Summer has been a busy time for many of my clients; for some, this period may have implied a change in rhythms and a disruption in their usual practices; for others, the Summer has been an opportunity to exercise more, take more time for themselves… and with The Fall, with all the usual activities and work now full blown, things might seem to be going off track again…

So how can putting in place (or re-visiting) simple daily rituals help stay centered (and maybe remain sane when insanity is surrounding you, be peace when the rest is chaos)?

What are daily rituals?

Taking the time to sit to drink your cup of coffee or tea in the morning, watching nature outside. Lighting a candle or smelling essential oils. Looking at a favorite picture. Listening to one of your favorite music pieces. Reading a short poem. Going through a short yoga routine or maybe some stretching. Meditating for even just 5 or 10 minutes. Going through a salutation to the four directions and the four elements…

The possibilities are infinite and, whatever you choose, it does not have to be complicated. Here are just a few key anchors that might help:

  • Try to crave a first moment of quietness in your morning, before you get out of the door if your can or when you first enter your office at work, before doing anything else; this will affect your entire day.
  • Create an environment that brings a sense of quietness and beauty, even when you are not home; when I travel, I like to bring my favorite crystal and a few tiny stones, a small candle, some wood chip incense to clear the energies of the room… They help me create that safe space that I need to anchor myself.
  • Try to activate different senses (essential oil, incense, flowers, taste of your favorite beverage, an inspiring / uplifting picture, words, music, mantra…) as this is what’s going to help anchor the experience in you and allow you to get back to that feeling of centeredness or peace at any moment of the day just by pausing, remembering a word, a feeling in the body, an image, a sound…
  • Look for simplicity: our daily rituals are not supposed to overwhelm an already busy schedule but to allow you to quickly (re)connect in the morning and each time you need it during the day, each time you choose to pause and ask: “What’s happening now? What’s trying to reach to the surface? What do I feel? Why do I feel this way?” or just take a few deep breaths and look for the quietness, maybe a moment of silence.

What is the power of daily rituals?

  • Rituals engage the conscious mind, bringing intention into our day; they also engage the intuitive and imaginative right side of our brain, helping reconnect the conscious and the unconscious, keeping open (or re-opening) an essential connection with the highest part of ourselves.
  • Rituals help us reconnect with what’s essential for each of us, with our essence.
  • Rituals help us be co-creator of our reality.
  • Rituals also get some of their power from the repetition: our brains look for routine; it allows bringing some order to the otherwise chaotic nature of life. With repetition, simple gestures create an emotion that becomes part of us.

So what is it for you?

Whatever you decide to start with, be patient with yourself (I know that this one can be tough!). Start slow and modest. At times, introducing very simple and somewhat ‘basic’ daily rituals that are still super helpful on a daily basis is a more flexible and accessible way to proceed without discouraging ourselves…

So, what is it for you? Share your experience below…


Béatrice | Contemporary Shamanic Healer


Béatrice Pouligny
Allowing The Light
September 2013

By |2018-06-19T11:12:30-04:00September 20th, 2013|Harmony, Joy and Happiness, Presence, Spiritual Alignment|0 Comments

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